Trsut Issues

Ironic tak kalau aku cakap nama boyfriend aku yang sekarang ni sama ngan nama ayah aku. So Shyrazrul works both ways, my full name and gabungan nama kitorang, rempit sangat rasa buat camtu. Haha. I don't even know why I have a boyfriend even after all that has happened.

He has trust issues. I have trust issues. 

His ex left him and got engaged with someone else. He says he loves me but he never really trusts me. He said, that experience gave him a major trust issue problem. And I keep reminding him, that I've felt the pain and I know as much as he does that it hurts, but I'm trying my best to open up to him, because that's what you do if you love someone. But he doesn't feel the same way. 

I think it's not fair. 

If he talks about being betrayed, I've been betrayed, not once, not twice, but for how many times that I couldn't even recall. I've been lied to, cheated, and bullshitted and used by men yang lagi teruk daripada pengalaman dia tu. I don't bother telling him, i keep it all pent up inside, because I think that this is not a burden for him to understand. I just want to be happy again. I want to make him happy, make him feel secure, make him feel that I'm there for him, always. I want to make him feel loved and trusted, because I do trust him. It's not easy living with trust issues. But the only thing you can do is ignore that nagging feeling so that you can have a chance at being happy. But he doesn't really grasp that fact that I hold. I want him to make me feel secure too. I want him to understand that through all the pain, I'm here to help him ease them. 

He doesn't understand.

Pain makes you blind. It cuts off the nerves in your head. A sort of defend mechanism. That hurts other people like me. But what else can I do? It's like being scratched and clawed at by your cat. You don't hate them, you just have to except the fact that you've been scratched because the cat doesn't know any better. And you continue to love the cat. 

Aku kecik hati. 

Dia asyik ulang yang dia susah nak percayakan aku. Bukan sebab aku, tapi sebab apa yang terjadi. Habis aku? Yang dah banyak kali kena tipu. Aku rasa macam aku ni tak berbaloi untuk dia, sebab kepercayaan seseorang tu amat bermakna kan? 

It's not fair at all. 

I keep soothing his feelings, convincing him, calming him every time he thinks I'm cheating on him. Sometimes I'm just doing laundry, cooking, playing with my cat, so I take my time replying his texts, and he thinks I'm cheating. I understand when he works, I respect his time to himself, and the pain of me having to convince myself that he's not cheating on me, it runs deep inside. 

What if it's my time to cry. 

Memang tengah nangis pun. The pain of having to start all over with a scar that's not entirely healed is as good as having to jump from a building but not dying once you hit the ground. The pain lingers on. Trust issues is like moving forward, as far as you can go, but you're still chained to the hurt from past relationships. They'll never go away. The pain blinds you. But once a while there's that someone that tugs your heart to just try and give him the chance to break your chain. Either he breaks them. Or he lengthens your chain. 

You just wouldn't know for sure. 



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